Our Ward
City-Wide Night Economy Review – October 29th
6:30-8pm, Birchmount Community Centre (93 Birchmount Rd.)
Do you live in or operate a business in a commercial area within Ward 20, Scarborough Southwest? Staff in the City Planning Division are reviewing Zoning Regulations for Nightclubs within Ward 20 and would like to hear from you about allowing nightclubs in this area. Please share your thoughts by completing this survey before November 1st.
On Tuesday, October 29th from 6:30-8pm at Birchmount Community Centre (93 Birchmount Rd., in the Bluff’s Room), City staff will be hosting an in-person public consultation meeting. Join City staff who will provide an overview of the City-wide Night Economy Review, present a summary of survey responses received to-date, and will provide an opportunity for participants to ask staff questions or express any concerns they may have.