A Message From Parthi

Dear Friends,

I want to share my continuing gratitude for electing me to represent Scarborough Southwest at City Hall. It has been a whirlwind journey so far! I have learned so much over the past six months, both about the day-to-day work of being a City Councillor and what it means to represent the people and place I love. Every day, I find myself even more motivated to have an impact at City Hall after listening to your concerns and ideas to solve the issues we face together.

As I grow and develop in my role as Councillor, I remain focused on building a healthy and accessible Toronto. This includes finding solutions for community safety, expanding affordable housing, advocating for our childcare and educational systems, and guaranteeing equity in public resources. I am proud to have had a few early successes at City Hall, including growing cricket infrastructure in Toronto’s parks and championing a new strategy for fighting youth violence – but the work is far from done. As I learn and grow in this role, I aim to forge deeper connections across the political spectrum at City Hall and hold the City accountable to the promises made in the motions I’ve passed.

Working with the City and developers, I will keep pushing for responsible development, ensuring that new projects in the Ward offer benefits to the community. Solving congestion is another priority – while it is a citywide problem, I know how acutely its effects are felt in Scarborough Southwest. I will also be spending more time at our soon-to-be-opened constituency office in the Ward, hearing directly from you. Over the rest of this summer and into the fall, addressing youth violence will be a top priority.

Thank you again for entrusting me as your representative – your support, dedication, and effort have kept things moving, allowing me to be an effective voice for Scarborough Southwest. I promise to keep listening to my constituents, keep pushing for an equitable and livable city, and advocating for Scarborough Southwest.

Thank you!