“Parthi has been an integral part of our community. He rolls up his sleeves and always lends a hand. He truly cares how our families are affected. He’s a remarkable problem solver! Last fall was so close – let’s come together to make sure Parthi’s strong voice is at City Hall for all of us!”

Kerry Cotton
Birch Cliff P.S.
Chair Parent Council (2018 – 2023)
“As an elected official, Parthi always ensures we have regular public meetings and genuinely engages with the residents.
I know that he’ll bring the same level of engagement at City Hall. He’s the real deal and he’ll make an outstanding Councillor!”

Jason Irving
R.H. King Academy
Former Chair, Parent Council
“I’ve seen Scarborough past and present, through many decades. I am genuinely proud and hopeful for Toronto and Scarborough with Parthi Kandavel as our newest City Councillor.”

Valerie Noel
Corvette Jr P.S.
Former Chair, Parent Council
“Finally a smart candidate and Parthi does what he says he’s going to do. He’s a fighter and I know he’ll fight for the people in our community because he cares, and because his decisions affect him and his family too.”

Jacqui Ferries
Active Cliffside Resident
“I’ve seen Scarborough past and present, through many decades. I am genuinely proud and hopeful for Toronto and Scarborough with Parthi Kandavel as our newest City Councillor.”

Glenn De Baeremaker
City of Toronto
Former Deputy Mayor and City Councillor, 2003 – 2018
“Scarborough is always short changed. We need a strong voice, and we have that in Parthi Kandavel. Having seen firsthand Parthi’s progressive leadership at the TDSB, I know he is a great leader.”

Manna Wong
TDSB Trustee 2014 – present
“Working with Parthi at the TDSB, I have seen his unwavering commitment and determination in fighting for resources and services for Scarborough students and their families. I’m excited for our City and Scarborough’s future with Parthi as City Councillor.”

Yalini Rajakulasingam
Scarborough North
TDSB Trustee 2018 – present
“Too often Scarborough is an afterthought or neglected by the City. Parthi will be an incredible and powerful voice for us.”

Neethan Shan
Scarborough Centre
Current TDSB Vice-Chair, and former City of Toronto Councillor
“Toronto is changing at an unprecedented rate in our history. As a mom, I have faith that Parthi is the leader who will ensure this city is a place for all of our children to thrive.”

Dr. Anu Sriskandarajah
Scarborough-Rouge Park
TDSB Trustee 2018 – present